Sub-project 1 “Construction of the new road section Dimario - GR/BG Borders (ch.12+820-ch. 16+147)”, implemented by EOSA (GR).

 It concerns the construction of approximately 3.3 km of the road section «Dimario – GR/BG Border» on the Egnatia Odos Vertical Axis 70 «Xanthi – Ehinos – GR/BG Border» from ch. 12+820 to ch. 16+147. This road section includes 6 bridges of total length 651.00m, 1 single bore tunnel of 150m length. The project designs were financed by the AccessNet Project through the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013. This sub-project is part of the project Dimario - GR/BG Border, of 8 km total length, that is being funded by two additional Greek operational programmes: 1,49km from the Regional Operational Programme of “East Macedonia and Thrace” and 3,16km from the Sectoral Operational Programme “Transport Infrastructure, Environment, and Sustainable Development”.

Objectives of the subproject are:

 The main objective of the project is the improvement of infrastructure in the CB area and reaping of benefits from significant investments in the field of the TENs. The road section is the northern part of the axis Xanthi - GR/BG borders, that was newly included in the TEN-T (comprehensive network). This road section and the construction of the new Border Crossing Check Point (BCCP) Dimario -Rudozem will remove bottlenecks on the existing CB axis Komotini-Makaza and will enhance accessibility and connectivity between the two countries.

Expected results are:

 New border crossing between Greece and Bulgaria. This connection will improve cross-border accessibility, allowing the development of tourism, industry and trade in both countries by improving mobility of goods and people.

Expected outputs:

 Construction of 3,3 km new road. This road section includes 6 bridges of total length 651.00m, one (1) single bore tunnel of length 150 m


Γέφυρα Γ10.2

Γέφυρα Γ10.2_2

Γέφυρα Γ10.2_3

Γέφυρα Γ11 - Τμήμα Β

Γέφυρα Γ7 - Τμήμα Α

Γέφυρα Γ7 Σήραγγα Σ1

Γέφυρα Γ7 Χ.Θ.

Τέλος Σήραγγας Σ1